September 2024 Recap & Personal Update

Rosa Diaz-Casal
2 min readOct 1, 2024

A season of growth, gratitude and healthy habits…

Photo by 대정 김:

As of the 22nd of September, we are officially in Autunm. Without question my favorite part of the year. I feel so blessed to be able to experience it day-by-day in this beautiful part of the world I feel so emotionally connected to.

I’m so happy I let my dreams live outside of me — that I let the dreams I had inside out into the real world and created space to make them happen.

This month I wrote about loneliness, self-discipline, contentment, productivity, self-care and healthy habits.

Then I wrote about the benefits of quitting coffee and decided to try it myself.

Before the weather cooled off at the beginning of this month, I was feeling quite undercaffeinated and took a 20-minute nap while laying down directly in from of a fan. I was listening to an audiobook and accidentally fell asleep, then woke up, rewound and kept going. Then repeated. I’m not sure how I’ll do without caffeine going forward, but considering the positive impact it will have on my health…



Rosa Diaz-Casal
Rosa Diaz-Casal

Written by Rosa Diaz-Casal

A human being with mistakes and history sharing practical wisdom. Deeply curious, adventourist and observant student of life.

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